
Effects of quitting smoking immediately on the body

Many people do not realize the addictive quality of Nicotine until they try quitting it. Nicotine withdrawal causes varied symptoms at the level of severity proving it very difficult for many to overcome. Addiction to nicotine becomes hard to break more because of the psychological dependency than physical. Moreover, smoking isn’t an addiction that people hide like that of any other drug. It is quite public. And you see much smokes while you struggle to quit. Not smoking but the thought of not smoking ever again create a rush in the mind and leads to over anxiety and irritability.

You must know what to expect before it strikes you. Being prepared is always better than an unpleasant surprise.

Withdrawal timeline for a week after you quit smoking:

  • Your last cigarette: You have just smoked your last cigarette. As you walk back inside, you are hit with a strong sense of panic immediately. The thought of it being your ‘last cigarette’ itself is alarming.
  • 4 hours later, your 1st craving appears: It is that time again. The time when your body is used to get the next dose of nicotine. This nicotine craving slowly creeps deep down bringing your self-doubt into the picture again. In this phase, all you have to do is believe in yourself and keep going.
  • 10 hours later: Restlessness and anxiety over powers your sleep. The thought of having a smoke for a peaceful sleep brings you sleeplessness.
  • 24 hours later, but it does not get any easier. Lack of sleep makes you all the more irritated and impatient. You realize you have been opening fight off anything and everything ever since you have got out of bed. This isn’t because of anything else but lack of nicotine that your body was so used to.
  • 2 days later: Continuous battle with your cravings for smoke begins to turn into a headache. It is so bad that you think will a smoke save me from this headache. If yes, can I just have one drag? Often people hallucinate having a cigarette in their hand. Lack of nicotine tricks your mind in many other ways creating confusion and an urge to stop all of this with just one drag of smoke.
  • 60 hours later: Your day without nicotine is a disaster. You tend to get irritated with minor things around. Your anxiety is at its peak. You realize that you have a lot of free time in the day that initially you invested for smoking. Stay calm and take a break to rejuvenate yourself and get your mind off smoking.
  • 3 days later: The worst is over. You realize that you have made through the withdrawals successfully and you literary can live without a smoke. In one of your good mood hours, you decide to stick to your oath and never smoke again. This is the phase where your surroundings and other smokers might curb you to restart the habit. Hold your grounds. Keep yourself in a happy and clean/smoke-free
  • 1 week later: The mental battle is almost over. This is when your body begins to get used to the lack of nicotine and tries its best to come back to its regular routine. You may feel some health issues like coughing, short breaths, dullness, weakness, etc. but these withdrawals will fade out soon making your body nicotine-free.

It is important to consult a doctor in this process so that he keeps a check on your body changes and gives you any necessary medication.

Physical Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Hunger
  • Cough

Mental/Psychological Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Craving
  • Mood swings
  • Confusion
  • Inattentiveness

You must quit smoking with a little help; be it a doctor, family or friend. You are probably at the stage where part of you wants to quit smoking, but part of you does not. Maybe you are worried about withdrawal, or afraid that you’ll fail. Free your mind of all the negative thoughts and worries for now and forever. Focus solely on why you want to quit, and that will give you the motivation to succeed. The good news about smoking is that it doesn’t matter how much you’ve smoked, or how long you have smoked. If you quit now, your body will begin to repair itself and will take care of you even after years of neglect.

Nicotine takes 72 hours to be out of your body after you quit smoking. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms usually reach their peak 2 to 3 days after you quit, and are gone within 1 to 3 months.

(1) It takes at least 3 months for your brain chemistry to return to normal after you quit smoking.

(2) The last two symptoms to go usually are irritability and low energy.

Any effective smoking cessation program has to take into account this long adjustment period. It is why some doctors recommend weaning off nicotine slowly with nicotine replacement therapy.

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